Lolita is dead after a half century in captivity, which caused me to search for Whales in Captivity.
Many captive orcas were born and bred in captivity, but this was not always the case. Beginning the in the 1960's, orcas have been caught for entertainment display. One of the most infamous was the mass capture in Penn Cove, Washington. On August 8, 1970, a total of seven whales were taken fromL pod (one of the resident orca pods), while 5 died in the process. Among the captures, Lolita (Tokitae) is the last remaining survivor.
At least 160 0rcas have died in captivity... Keep Reading!
Siren here. I have mixed feeling about animals such as whales, dolphins, and other sea creatures in aquariums and the like. My feeling is that if it were not for the zoo, as a child living in-land, I might not have been aware of sea lions... and I do go to aquariums. But even the largest tanks cannot provide a natural life for these creatures. It seems many of them go crazy or live perhaps shorter lives than they would in the wild. Yet in the wild they also face being eaten or killed. What kills the larger creatures the most is ships - container ships - sailing vessels.