Yes the smoke and debris in the air eventually settle down onto the earth and into the ocean waters. Here's am article on the impact from the PACIFIC WHALE FOUNDATION: PACIFIC WHALE FOUNDATION : WILDFIRE IMPACTS ON OCEAN AND SEA CREATURES
Excerpt: OCEAN - A large influx of ash and debris, including metals and chemicals, enters waterways, especially following precipitation. This massive sediment load smothers the coastal ecosystem, covering coral reefs, resulting in significant habitat loss and, eventually, fish and invertebrate mortality. The resulting water cloudiness reduces light penetration necessary for plants to conduct photosynthesis. The influx of run-off, which includes nutrients, and sedimentation can induce harmful algae blooms that deplete oxygen levels and cause fish and other animal die-offs. Subsequently, ash and debris loads are spread wide by tides, currents, and winds, magnifying their effects though nearshore environments.